Lip Enhancement – for more kissable lips

Are your lips thinning as you age?
Would you like fuller, more appealing lips?
Do you want to banish those ‘bleeding lip’ lines?
Has smoking caused smokers lines around your mouth?

Your lips are one of the most important features of your face and say so much about you.

As time goes by, lips naturally lose their volume, appearing thinner and less defined. Wrinkles and fine lines also alter the smooth look of your lips and compromise the lip outline and the cupid’s bow.

Our natural, beautiful definition is also spoiled by sun damage and our lips look less kissable! So how do we restore that youthful look?

Well, the best method by far is to use dermal fillers to return your lips to the more desirable condition they were when you were younger, or to enhance naturally thin lips. We have several techniques for these treatments and we will tailor the treatment to suit your desired outcome.



At Enhance skin clinics we believe that natural looking lips are always best and think their size and shape should be kept in harmony with the rest of your face. We do not over-fill lips and do not advocate producing ‘trout-pout’ lips. We understand the importance of maintaining the balance between the upper and lower lip to ensure you keep that all important natural look.


For some, a more defined cupid’s bow to enhance the shape of your upper lip is more important than an increase in lip volume.


Redefining your lip lines with a tiny amount of filler will recreate the natural shape of your lips, helping you to regain that youthful look. This technique also has the added benefit of helping to smooth out the fine lines above your top lip.


Smokers lines or lipstick lines are the lines which cause your lipstick to ‘bleed’ upwards. This problem affects many non-smokers too. These lines can be treated with very small amounts fillers or ‘Botox’.

Modern fillers like Juvéderm give a great natural look without bulking the edge of the mouth or overfilling the lips. Combined with skillful application the results, which can last for up to a year, are natural and ensure your lips look, feel and move naturally.

Dr Jennifer’s background in medicine means that she understands the structure of the mouth and face and can assess the facial structure of her patients and tailor her approach accordingly. Her expertise and knowledge means she knows what will look right, and how to achieve it, so you can be sure your lips will look naturally beautiful.

How does lip enhancement work?

Adding volume to lips makes them instantly softer and more kissable.

One of our most popular treatments for lips is injectable fillers (also known as dermal Fillers).

  • The lip edges can be treated to restore youthful contours and redefine the borders of the lips this also helps prevent your lipstick from seeping out into the skin – and leaves you with a crisp, well-defined shape.
  • Enhancing the lips themselves adds natural-looking volume and balance to the body of the lips, producing a sensual and pronounced pout – the most common enhancement our patients seek.
  • Treatment to the fine lines and wrinkles, caused by pursing your lips or smoking, gives a fresher and more youthful appearance.
  • The trough between your lips and nose (the philtrum) can also be enhanced to improve lip contour and definition.

Will lip enhancement hurt?

We can apply an anaesthetic cream prior to the procedure, for your comfort. The advanced dermal filler also contains a local anaesthetic for added comfort and is injected with a small, fine needle.

What are lip enhancement fillers made from?

The advanced dermal fillers we use are made from Hyaluronic Acid, a type of sugar that naturally occurs in our skin to help repair damaged tissue. Its normal liquid state is transformed into a gel injection to plump out troublesome wrinkles and bind with collagen, allowing nutrients to flow easily to the skin and give you that sought-after youthful glow. Hyaluronic acid helps maintain structure, hydration and thickness of the skin but is slowly depleted through the ageing process.

Advanced dermal fillers are not permanent, and will naturally break down over time. Depending on the area and the individual, the effects will last from 6 – 12 months.

How long will the treatment take?

Dr Jenny will discuss your requirements with you at your consultation to ensure your treatment is tailored to your desired outcome, but it usually takes from 20 to 40 minutes.

Are there any side effects?

Immediately after treatment, there may be bruising, redness, tenderness and swelling. All of these are normal effects from the injection and are temporary, lasting up to 72 hours. Initial swelling of the lips may last longer. Some patients experience swelling for up to 10 days, during which time, the lips may look uneven or lumpy but they will then settle down.


When will I see the results?

The effect is immediate, and as there is virtually no recovery time, you can carry on with your normal routine after your appointment.

How long does the treatment last?

Dermal fillers gradually dissolve over a period of time. Dermal fillers for lips usually last from four to eight months – sometimes longer. The rate of dissolution varies from individual to individual. Smoking, use of sun beds and unprotected sun exposure will seriously compromise the effectiveness of the treatment.

Free consultation to explore your options

To find out if an dermal filler lip treatment is a suitable option for you – call us to book a free consultation on 07793 076 153 – we can help.

Lip Enhancement Before Lip Enhancement After