Tear Trough Correction

Dark circles and eye bags

Do you suffer from dark circles or eye bags? Would you like get rid of that tired look? If so, we can help using a very advanced dermal filler to provide safe, instant results than can last up to 12 months.

What is a Tear Trough?

Tear troughs are the depressions between the lower eyelid and upper cheek, which extend outwards and downwards towards the cheek. As we age these become longer, deeper and more shadowed. This is a normal part of the ageing process but can give the impression of being tired and less youthful looking.

Understandably, many patients become concerned about these dark circles and shadowing and hollowing under the eyes, even from a young age.

 How is the area treated?

A little dermal filler helps to restore volume and creates a very natural smooth look that can make all the difference! This is achieved by skillfully and gently introducing a very fine needle under the skin, so you barely feel the treatment lifting the hollowed area. By elevating and eliminating this hollow, the skin contour appears smooth, giving an instant and dramatic improvement that can last up to 12 months. This advanced technique is often combined with correction of cheek volume loss, which tends to exacerbate the appearance of the tear troughs. In my experience, it is very common for patients to present with a degree of asymmetry, which can be corrected at the same time.

There may be a little redness and puffiness immediately after your treatment that can be covered with a dusting of mineral make-up.

Tear trough treatment with dermal fillers: The dark hollow lines are dramatically reduced giving a softer ‘less tired’ appearance



Tear Trough Correction Before Tear Trough Correction After Tear Trough Correction Before Tear Trough Correction After